金钟仁///金珍京///白哲民///李艺贤///全美善///成秉淑///朴知妍///金广植///金周灵///李昌周///全镇基///权南熙///安洪镇///金見佑///宋智贤///安承钧///金基秀///白恩敬///白承道///金京浩// Yoo Hye-byeol / Jang Ga-hyeon / Jo Han-seul //琴波///李相二/
欲戴王冠/必承其重-继承者们/The Heirs/One Who Wants to Wear the Crown Bear the Crown – The Heirs/The One Trying to Wear the Crown/ Withstand the Weight – The Heirs/
欲戴王冠/必承其重-继承者们/The Heirs/One Who Wants to Wear the Crown Bear the Crown – The Heirs/The One Trying to Wear the Crown/ Withstand the Weight – The Heirs/
欲戴王冠/必承其重-继承者们/The Heirs/One Who Wants to Wear the Crown Bear the Crown – The Heirs/The One Trying to Wear the Crown/ Withstand the Weight – The Heirs/